The RMP step-by-step

Choose the package from the website, fill in the contact form, and we will send you a pro-forma invoice for the payment.

Remember to give the correct e-mail address, where we will send you the link for the test.

Once the payment is entered, within 12 hours you will receive a link to the RMP test.

Fill in the test on a computer or other device with Internet access. It will take you around 25min.

No more 12 hours after completing the test, you will receive your motivation profile and a detailed report by e-mail.

You will receive a 37-page report: first the introduction – the history of the RMP and its benefits, next your motivation profile (graph), your full profile (a description of each of the 16 motivators), recommendations, development exercises, and a general theoretical section with examples of motivator combinations.

We will contact you to find a date for an individual discussion of your profile, which usually takes place online.

The RMP for individuals and couples


Study of internal needs: the RMP profile + individual feedback session

For people who want to learn about their needs, predispositions, talents and values and create a motivational plan of action.

1 Once the online test is ordered and done, you will receive your individual RMP Motivation Profile and a detailed report (37 pages). You will learn about your internal needs, strengths and weaknesses and what motivates you.

2 During an individual feedback session, a certified RMP Master will analyse your motivation profile in detail with you. They will answer any questions, help draw conclusions and decide what to do next. The talk will take around 60-90minutes and will take place either face-to-face or online (via phone or Skype).


Package for couples:
two RMP profiles + joint feedback session

For couples who want to learn about and understand themselves, their partner and their relationship and develop it. When you know your motivation profiles, you communicate better and can identify both your partner’s behaviours and your needs in the relationship.

1 Once the online test is ordered and completed, each of you will receive your individual RMP Motivation Profile and a detailed report (37 pages). You will learn about your internal needs, strengths and weaknesses and what motivates you and to what extent.

2 During a feedback session with a certified RMP Master, you will analyse your motivation profiles together, taking into account similarities and differences in terms of needs and behaviours. You will recognise and name problems, as well as find solutions and take the right direction for each couple. The talk will last around 90minutes and will take place either face-to-face or online (via phone or Skype).

Your RMP profile will give you the answers to the following questions:

If we do not feel like doing something, or we lack the motivation, it is usually because the task / challenge we set ourselves is not in line with our needs or our system of values. And no motivational techniques or captivating motivational speeches will suddenly cause us to like an activity, if our heart is not in it. To make yourself feel like doing something, you need to set your priorities right and adjust it to your intrinsic needs.

The Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of 16 universal human needs, which shows in detail, what kind of model of life can make us happy. It will show us the areas in which we want to realize ourselves and those we are subconsciously looking for in life. It helps us discover what we often do not see and to prioritise our needs. If we fill our lives with what is important to us, motivation will awaken on its own and, supported by appropriate habits, will serve us every day.

We spend an average of over 30% of our day at work. This is why the money or promotion alone cannot give you full satisfaction, especially in the long run. We need challenges that would match our desires and ambitions. The RMP shows our need for ambition and challenges, our preference for strong or weak bonds within a group, our desire for social contacts. It proves whether we prefer to work in a team or make independent decisions, what kind of stress and risk motivates us and what kind may be detrimental.

The Reiss Motivation Profile® shows precisely, which of your desires you need to satisfy in order to make your working environment the most motivational. If you don’t satisfy your intrinsic desires, even with outstanding earnings, you will perceive your work as an unpleasant and compelling obligation.

Making a difficult decision might give you a headache, especially when you listen to all the advice, tips and tricks on what is good for us. The best decisions are those taken in harmony with your values.

Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of 16 universal needs, which will show you precisely, what intrinsic aspects of your life you need to take care of in the first place, in order to be happy with the decisions you make.

We all want to be together with other people, but not everyone needs it to the same extent. Each of us has individual predispositions to make and keep social bonds. This is why building interpersonal connections should begin with learning one’s own needs, in order to be aware of how they influence our relationships with other people. We like people who are similar to us. If someone irritates us, we say there is no chemistry between us, while in fact we were probably separated by differing life motives.

The Reiss Motivation Profile® assessment shows which personal characteristics we tend to prefer in other people, and which ones we dislike. We will know with whom and why we can become close friends, and which acquaintances are rather going to remain distant. The RMP will also help us determine the factors responsible for failed relationship, which will enable us to rebuild those connections in a mutually profitable way.

Reiss Motivation Profile® helps us communicate with people with whom communication has been challenging, but it is necessary to keep family or professional relations with them (e.g. with a co-worker or even with our own child).

A proper diet and the right amount of exercise are key for losing weight. Yet, many people find it difficult to exercise regularly or keep a healthy diet. How can you help yourself?

The Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of 16 universal human needs, which can help you understand in which situations you are most motivated to losing weight:

  • while exercising alone or in a group
  • setting ambitious goals or dividing your weight loss plan into subsequent stages
  • it will also make you aware of how important the aesthetics of the exercise area and original clothing is to you, and how much you value the regularity and diversity of your meals
  • would a popular sport suffice you, or if you are looking for something unique

A kind of physical activity and diet tailored precisely to your life priorities revealed by the RMP profile give you a higher chance to persevere with your decision. But first of all, you need to find your own reason why losing weight is so important to you.

Some people are keen marathon runners, while others can hardly get themselves off the couch. How to motivate yourself to exercise, if sport does not give us pleasure?

It is worth answering the following questions: what is important to me in life? What do I like? And check the RMP diagram to see, which life motives are the strongest. This will help us identify the areas that may increase our motivation to stay active. Analysing the strongest motivators will help us find the kind of activity to which we will not have to force ourselves. If it is – e.g. an elevated value of the life motive of beauty – exercise may be motivated by the need to have a slender silhouette and healthy appearance. This way we will satisfy a completely different need while practicing sports – a need much stronger than that for physical activity.

It is not always about slowing down. Slow life is not for everyone. Find your own paste in life and start living. Free yourself from the guilty conscience telling you that you work too little or too much, or that you don’t have time for your family.

Work-life balance is about finding a balance between professional and personal life. Everybody needs it to a different extent and in a different proportion. What is the right proportion for you? Your life motives can tell. Check out:

  • “Power” – indicates if we like spending time at work, if we are responsible and ambitious. The higher the value of this motive, the keener we are to work.
  • “Family” – indicates how much we enjoy time spent with our family. If the value of this indicator is high – we subordinate our life to our family, if it is low – we prefer our own, independent activity and nothing can stop us from it.
  • If the life motives of “Social Contacts”, “Eating”, “Beauty”, “Physical Activity” are at an elevated level – we need to realize ourselves outside of work, otherwise frustration ensues.

The Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of the level of 16 universal psychological needs. It will tell you what you desire in life and to what extent you need it, show you your hierarchy of priorities, and uncover the reasons for your internal conflicts (lack of determination, coherence, dual needs).

Opposites attracting each other is a myth. Both in professional and in private life, as well as during the selection of life partners, we get along better with people who are similar to us, have the same values and life motives.

Thanks to the RMP study we can see and compare common and divergent areas of needs of a given couple, on a single graph. Diagnostics enables couples to get to know each other and their relationship better, and also to identify conflicts. As a result, it allows decisions to be taken jointly in accordance with the internal system of values of each person.

The RMP for young people

Motivating and developing young people does not mean that they should be provided with different stimuli all the time. They should be stimulated in harmony with their internal needs (motivators). The RSMP (Reiss School Motivation Profile®) gives precise information about a person’s stimuli that are needed in order to learn with pleasure and act effectively.


Study of internal needs: RSMP profile + individual feedback session

For those who want to discover their strengths, have specific questions about their career path, relations or development

1 Once the online test has been ordered and completed, you will receive your individual RSMP Motivation Profile and a detailed report (42 pages). You will learn about your internal needs, strengths and weaknesses and what motivates you.

2 During an individual feedback session, your results will be discussed and analysed by a certified RMP Master, who will answer any questions about the RMP study, and explain your internal needs and detailed motivation. They will help draw conclusions and decide what to do next. The talk will take around 60-90 minutes and will take place either face-to-face or online (via phone or Skype), without parents or custodians.

3 On the basis of the RSMP report, you can (together with the certified RSMP Master) work out your individual learning path and professional profiling.


Study of internal needs: RSMP profile + feedback session with parents or custodians

For people who want to get to know their strengths, work on their relationship with their family or analyse various professional options

1 Once the online test has been ordered and completed, you will receive your individual RSMP Motivation Profile and a detailed report (42 pages). You will learn about your internal needs, strengths and weaknesses and what motivates you.

2 During an individual feedback session, your results will be discussed and analysed by a certified RMP Master, who will answer any questions about the RMP study, and explain your internal needs and detailed motivation. They will help draw conclusions and decide what to do next. The talk will take around 60-90 minutes and will take place either face-to-face or online (via phone or Skype). Parents or custodians can be present.

3 On the basis of the RSMP report, you can (together with the certified RSMP Master) work out your individual learning path and professional profiling.

What can you find out?

The choice of profession and of your path of training is one of the most difficult choices to make in life. What should we chose if we still don’t know what interests us or what we are really good at? Friends, parents and teachers may advise based on their own experience. To choose well you need to have your own perspective.

Reiss School Motivation Profile allows you to get to know your strengths, which makes it easier to establish the professional paths most suited for you and the professions that may give you fulfilment and satisfaction.

School and parents usually stigmatize the shortcomings and weaknesses of a young person. They focus more often on them than on developing the youth’s talents and predispositions. This is why in adult life we find it so difficult to find and indicate our strengths. RSMP enables us to discover them already in the teenage years. From then on, we can start working on our ambitions by setting challenges depending on our needs and desires.

On their first day at school almost every child wants to study. Unfortunately, school often kills this motivation. This is due to the fact that many schools prefer one, chosen type of a child’s personality: ambitious, truthful, well-organised, highly self-esteemed, etc.

What about those children who do not fit the model? They are often in trouble because they are unable to meet their parents’ and teachers’ expectations. And yet not every child is equally curious and inquisitive, not every child will prepare for the tests in advance. Therefore, the forms of teaching should be, at least moderately, modified, taking into account the diversity of students’ personalities. The only thing to do for parents and teachers is to get to know the child’s life motives, and then try to adapt the form of learning to their needs.

Professor Steven Reiss has identified six life motives that are responsible for unsatisfactory results at school:

Link to the article by Professor Reiss
Institute article

Reiss School Motivation Profile is a proven tool used by professional advisors. A certified RSMP Master discusses the combination of the teenager’s intrinsic needs. Based on that, they work together to determine the best course of development / choice of career for a person with such a combination of needs, performing a number of professional profiling exercises. A young person under the supervision of a specialist, has the opportunity to take up challenges in accordance with his or her personal values, without seeking advice from peers or social media.

The Reiss School Motivation Profile tool is highly estimated by parents and guardians. Knowing one’s own motivation profile allows the young person for a better understanding of their behaviour, a better choice of the right form of learning, understanding what causes their problems at school and increasing self-acceptance. Knowing your child’s motivation profile, enables you to actively support them in setting and achieving their goals.

Reiss School Motivation Profile® (RSMP) is an assessment of young people’s intrinsic needs. It explains the reasons behind their behaviour, their predispositions, talents and also the kind of stimuli they need. The knowledge gained by tests indicates the reasons behind learning problems, and at the same allows to choose the appropriate forms of education. It helps teachers and social workers to better understand the youth, facilitate their self-acceptance and motivate them properly.

The RMP for trainers, coaches and managers

If you want to learn to apply the RMP at work and use it in your professional life, you can become a certified RMP Master.

The RMP in Sports

In search of motivation to achieve outstanding results

In sports, the Reiss Motivation Profile® method transfers scientific knowledge into practice. An athlete’s motivation profile is easy to diagnose and use in everyday work.

As a result, the coach is able to organize the training in such a way as to provide the athlete with the possibility of individual development based on their own needs.

The use of Reiss Motivation Profile® in sports:

  • Allows to determine what shapes the emotional stability of an athlete.
  • Allows to diagnose factors which influence the athlete’s performance in a positive and negative way.
  • Makes it easier to find a platform for understanding between players in team sports.
  • Allows the coach for a more individualized work with the athlete.
  • Creates a synergy between the coach’s and the athlete’s work.

Who is it for?

The way a coach works with an athlete, a player or a team is important in sport, just like the way of working is crucial in the case of managers working with teams in business. For this reason, it is essential that the coach, even before starting motivational work with Reiss Motivation Profile®, gets to know his or her own motivation profile and, above all, understands how his or her motives influence his or her perception of others.

The coach – working with Reiss Motivation Profile® – will also benefit from realizing that his or her motivation profile and intrinsic needs do not coincide with those of the athletes partly or at all. The coach should aim at understanding the possible “blind spots” of their cooperation with the athlete. It means that a coach may try to motivate the athlete using his or her own motives, e.g. a high need for power. An athlete whose need for this motive is low will perceive it as the coach attempting to exert pressure on them. As a consequence, the coach’s opportunity to motivate the athlete using his or her own needs will remain unused.

Thanks to the Reiss Motivation Profile®, coaches are able to develop training techniques tailored specifically to the athlete’s personality, which allows them to achieve the best solutions, even in stressful conditions.

An athlete who is aware of his or her motivation profile is able to discover the source of mental strength, which will help him or her achieve results.

In the recent years, the best proof that psychological strength allows to achieve extraordinary results was Germany’ weightlifter Matthias Steiner winning a gold medal in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. As part of the project “Operation Gold” the Sports Director and coach of the national team in the German Weightlifting Federation (BVDG), while preparing the athletes for the sporting event in China, took advantage of the opportunities offered by Reiss Motivation Profile®.

Methodological German coaches have been training the Olympic staff of the Rhein-Neckar Olympic Preparation Centre for many years. They created motivation profiles for the athletes and for the national team coach, to later advise the team based on these profiles. The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that it reveals the structure of each person’s life motives and values. This knowledge is a valuable aid both in the individual orientation of each athlete during competitions and in identifying the potential for long-term success. In addition, RMP provides specific guidelines for communication and cooperation between the coach and the athletes. This could for example be information on how to organise training in accordance with the athletes’ motivation profile or the most effective ways in which a coach may address the athlete during the competition. The aim of this method is to motivate the athlete every time.

In team sports, Reiss Motivation Profile® helps you understand what motivates your team-mates and how individual motives and players interact with each other.