- General provisions
- These Regulations specify the rules of using the Portal available under (hereinafter referred to as the “Portal”), including rules of accessing the content thereof, content of the online shop or other services offered by the Portal by RMP Polska Instytut Durkalskiego Sp. z o.o. (hereinafter referred to as the “Institute”), with its registered seat in Warsaw (03-930), Poland, ul. Alfreda Nobla 9 /7 entered into the register of entrepreneurs run by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS no. 0000493004, equity of PLN150,000.00, NIP no.: PL1070028547, Regon no.: 147043308, phone: +48 (22) 299 26 70, e-mail:
- In order to use the Portal, the User (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) shall dispose of the following equipment: a device with access to the internet network and Internet Explorer browser, at least 7.0 version, Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome 3.0, Safari 4.0, Opera 9.5. The cost of the Internet connection and of meeting technical requirements shall be borne by the User.
- Subject to the maintenance time, the Portal shall be available 24/7.
- When using the Portal, the User must not supply illegal content or undertake any activities which would hamper or destabilise the functioning of the Portal.
- Services offered by the Portal – general rules
- is an online portal with free materials (texts, photos, graphics, video clips, data, etc.) which allows to purchase products offered by the Institute or access other functionalities as described in the Regulations.
- Electronic services are provided by the Portal until the Institute suspends it, ceases to provide them or changes the provision thereof. The Institute is allowed to suspend, cease or amend the rules of providing services by amending the Regulations, or, within the scope not specified by the Regulations, by informing about it on the Portal’s website, subject to the rights of Users who had paid for specific services or purchases.
- Should the Institute offer paid services or products, the User shall pay the price displayed when they selected a specific service or product, taking into account discounts.
- Taking into account par. 3 (1) (A)(4) below, the contract for providing electronic services shall be concluded when the User performs any action on the Portal (such as clicking to read any information on the Portal, sending a question about the Portal’s content, subscribing to a newsletter).
- The Institute stipulates that all messages and materials available on the Portal (especially graphics, articles, photos and videos) are protected by law, especially by the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights. The User shall be entitled to their personal use only. Copying, reproducing or spreading on the Internet, as well as other illegal forms of using materials and messages on the Portal shall be forbidden.
- On the Portal, the User can access information about motivational profiling by clicking “Order”, next to the product. The User shall then be directed to the contact form which makes it possible to ask a question or indicate interest in the service. In order to obtain an answer or discuss profiling, the User shall provide correct contact data in the form.
- Detailed provisions of specific functionalities of the Portal
- Online shop
- Rules of submitting orders
- The User can order Institute’s publications or other materials made available on the Portal. Add the product to the basket, confirm by clicking “Go to payment” and next fill in a purchase form on the Portal. In order to submit a correct order, the User has to read these Regulations (binding during the processing of the order), provide necessary contact data and a correct e-mail address, as well as pay for the product.
- Once the order has been made, the User shall receive an e-mail confirmation that the order has been accepted by the Institute. If the User does not receive an order confirmation within 7 days from placing the order, they shall immediately contact the Institute about the status of the order. Orders with incomplete User’s data or an incorrect e-mail (which makes it impossible to confirm the order) shall not be executed until complete information is provided or corrected.
- A sales contract shall be concluded once the Institute accepts the order and the User shall be informed about it in the order confirmation.
- The User can order a product for a third party. In this case, they have to indicate the delivery address for this party when making an order.
- Prices
- The price at the product is in Polish zloty.
- Each product has a gross and net price tag.
- The price for every product is binding at the moment when the User places an order.
- The Institute shows the current price of products in the Portal and reserves the right to introduce new items or sales. The right to change the price does not impact the price of the ordered product before the change was made.
- Order processing
- Order processing starts once payment has been made on the platform, after the User has accepted all the payment conditions of the service, immediately after money has been entered into the bank account of the Institute (usually 2 business days after the payment was made by the User).
- As part of order processing, the Institute shall ship the product to the User or indicated person not later than 2 business days after the payment has been made. The shipment is performed by an external courier provider, on business days, at the cost indicated during placing the order.
- Products can be collected for free from the Institute’s office.
- The Institute shall issue VAT invoice or a receipt for the purchased products. At the User’s request, the document shall be sent at an indicated address.
- The Institute shall have a right to process a correctly placed order to deliver flawless products.
- Rules of submitting orders
- Blog
- Subject matter of the Blog service
- The Blog allows to read the Blog author’s content for free.
- Use of Blog
- The User does not have to register in order to read the content.
- In case of any content which is illegal in Poland or infringes upon the rights of third parties or general netiquette and standards of speech, please contact the Blog’s author to delete it or send an e-mail at
- Access to the content of third parties
- The Blog can include links which open websites owned and managed by third parties. Links will open in a new tab. The Blog’s author is not responsible for their accessibility, content or quality.
- Subject matter of the Blog service
- Newsletter
- Subject matter of the Newsletter service
- As part of the Newsletter service, the Institute sends an e-mail information, hereinafter referred to as “Newsletter”, to the User.
- Ordering Newsletter service
- The User can order a free Newsletter service by registering at the Portal:
- provide an e-mail address in the form on the website,
- agree to receive commercial information at the e-mail address provided in the form, as understood under the Act of 18 July 2002 on Providing Services by Electronic Means,
- agree to these Regulations,
- click on the “Subscribe” link.
- Click on the order confirmation link which adds the User’s e-mail to the e-mailing list. Providing the e-mail address is necessary to provide the Newsletter service.
- Information made available in the Newsletter
- The User can order a free Newsletter service by registering at the Portal:
- Information made available in the Newsletter
- The Newsletter contains information about the Institute’s products offer, current promotions, Institute’s activity, including opinions, press materials, link to websites about motivation.
- The Newsletter contains information about the Institute’s products offer, current promotions, Institute’s activity, including opinions, press materials, link to websites about motivation.
- Frequency of sending the Newsletter
- The Newsletter is sent not often than once a month.
- The Newsletter is sent not often than once a month.
- Unsubscribing from the Newsletter service
- The User can unsubscribe from the Newsletter service at any time. Click on the “Unsubscribe” link available in the footnote of each Newsletter. Should the User change their e-mail address, click the “Update data” link available in the footnote of each Newsletter.
- Subject matter of the Newsletter service
- RMP Master Certification
- The portal provides up-to-date information on planned certification trainings along with a contact form for people interested in participating.
- The condition for participation in the certification training is to conclude a separate agreement with the Institute and to pay for the training.
- RMP Online – Services for RMP Masters
- The RMP Online module is available to people who have successfully completed the certification training and have the RMP Master title. The condition for access to this module is the conclusion of a separate agreement with the Institute.
- Online shop
- Complaints, withdrawing from the contract, dispute settlement
- Complaints about orders placed in the online shop or about other services available at the Portal shall be lodged directly to the Institute, by phone, by e-mail or in writing at the address of Alfreda Nobla 9 /7, 03-930 Warsaw, phone +48 (22) 299 26 70, Any complaint must contain the User’s data, a description of the subject matter of the complaint, a demand and means of contact – in writing or by e-mail. Complaints shall be dealt with within a maximum of 14 days and a reply will be sent at the address provided in the complaint.
- The Institute stipulates that no provision of these Regulations shall restrict the User’s consumer right deriving from mandatory provisions of law. Should any provision of the Regulations do so, mandatory provisions of law shall prevail.
- In the case of a purchase in an online shop, the User who is a consumer shall have a right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the purchase in the online shop. The withdrawal can be made by the form, in writing or electronically at the Institute’s email address. The form with a withdrawal template is attached to these Regulations. The Institute shall inform the User immediately of the receipt of the statement on the withdrawal at the User’s e-mail address. The funds shall be reimbursed at the bank account of the User from which the payment was made, within 14 days from the day the Institute has received the product that the withdrawal statement referred to. In case of late reimbursement of the funds, the User shall be entitled to statutory interests for each day of the delay.
- The User who is a consumer has a right to free advice on an individual dispute regarding a consumer sale between the consumer and the Institute. The advice is given by the city or district spokesperson for consumers or a social organisation which is tasked with consumer protection by law, such as Federacja Konsumentów: The consumer can also ask the Trading Standards Association or any other authorised entity from the list available at to initiate an extra-legal dispute resolution procedure. Extra-legal means of considering complaints and exercising claims are voluntary and shall be available once the complaint procedure is over.
- Below, the Institute provides a link to an ODR platform which allows the User who is a consumer to lodge a complaint about online services provided by the Institute to an authorised entity: Online Dispute Resolution.
- Privacy, personal data
- In case of some services, especially if an online shop is used, the Institute shall process personal data of Users provided in the registration form to the Newsletter or in the order form, or personal data of other persons indicated by the User in the form. RMP Polska Instytut Durkalskiego Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw (03-930), Poland, ul. Alfreda Nobla 9 /7 7. is the data controller. The Institute ensures that it disposes of technical and organisational means to protect personal data, in compliance with the binding provisions of law, including the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). The Institute has a right to entrust other entities with processing personal data of Users, especially entities which provide hosting services. Detailed information on processing personal data of Users who use the Portal can be found in the Information tab available at:
- The Portal uses Google Analytics service, made available by Google Inc. (hereinafter: Google) to analyse the viewing figures of websites. The analysis uses so called cookies that is text files placed on the User’s computer to make it possible to analyse the way Users use the Portal. Information about the way the User uses the Portal (including its IP address) generated by cookies shall be transferred to Google and kept on its servers in the United States. Google shall use this information to evaluate the way the User uses the Portal, to create reports on traffic on websites for site operators and to provide other services related to the traffic on websites and internet use. Google can also transfer this information to third parties if they do so under the law or if these parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google shall not combine the IP address of the User with any data that it possesses. Other than information generated by cookies, Google shall not obtain from the Institute any personal data of Portal Users. The User can resign from cookies by selecting specific settings in the browser, but in this case some functions of the Portal might be unavailable. Using the Portal means that Google processes data about the User in a way and for the purposes specified above. Detailed information is available in the Privacy policy tab:
- Responsibility
- The Institute shall be responsible for physical or legal defects of its services and products.
- The Institute shall not give any guarantees on services or products sold.
- All services and products available on the Platform shall be protected by copyright. Using them and infringing upon these provisions shall result in criminal responsibility of the User or damages to be paid by them.
- The Institute shall not be responsible for restrictions or technical problems in computers, systems or any other devices used by the User which make it impossible to use the Portal.
- The Institute shall not be responsible if the Portal is unavailable because of force majeure and actions or negligence by the User or third parties, for whose actions or negligence the User is responsible.
- The Institute reserves the right to suspend the Portal for some time, especially due to maintenance, service or extension of the technical base. If technically possible, the Institute shall inform the Users about it, especially by placing a message about it on the Portal’s website.
- Final provisions
- The contract for provision of free services on the Portal shall be terminated when the User stops using the Portal, i.e. they close the Portal’s website or resign from the Newsletter or other services made available by the Institute. In the case of a purchase in an online shop available in the Portal, the User who is a consumer can withdraw from the contract under IV (3).
- The Institute shall have a right to amend the Regulations at any time for organisational or legal reasons especially if a) the Portal’s functionality has changed or new services are introduced in the Portal, b) provisions of law have been amended, or c) it is indispensable due to the Users’ interest. The amended Regulations shall be placed on the Portal, whereas any change of contact details of the Institute does not constitute an amendment to the Regulations. In the case of an online shop, amendments to the Regulations shall not infringe on the rights acquired by the User, and especially will not affect any orders placed before changes were announced and which will be completed under the rules from before the change.
- Unless the Institute and the User agree otherwise, any disputes regarding the Portal use shall be heard by the competent common court.
- The governing law for the relations between the Institute and the User shall be the law of the Republic of Poland.
- Attachments