The RMP in scientific publications

How to Motivate Athletes

Steven Reiss, Who Are We, Psychology Today, 04-Apr-2013

Multifaceted Nature of Intrinsic Motivation: The Theory of 16 Basic Desires

Steven Reiss, The Ohio State University, 25-Feb-2003

A Comprehensive Assessment of Human Strivings: Test-Retest Reliability and Validity of the Reiss Profile

Susan M. Havercamp, Steven Reiss, The Ohio State University, 25-Jan-2003

Towards a Comprehensive Assessment of Fundamental Motivation: Factor Structure of the Reiss Profiles

Susan M. Havercamp, Steven Reiss, The Ohio State University, 20-Jan-1998

Trait motivational correlates of athleticism. Personality and Individual Differences
Reiss, S., Wiltz, J., & Sherman, M. (2001)
Six motivational reasons for low school achievement. Child and Youth Care Forum
Reiss, S. (2009)
How to motivate workers
Steven Reiss, Who Are We, Psychology Today, 21-Oct-2012
The New Psychology of Marketing
Steven Reiss, Who Are We, Psychology Today, 22-Mar-2012
Self-Discovery in Leadership Training
Steven Reiss, Who Are We, Psychology Today, 6-Dec-2011
Secrets of Happiness
Steven Reiss, Psychology Today ( 2001, New York, NY.