RMP for business - Manager's Academy
At the Academy, we are building the profile of a modern manager. Aware and ready for today’s challenges. We look at prominent management practitioners, get inspired, discard myths and stereotypes. All this is done for the manager to determine his individual management style (and that of his team). He learned what supports him most strongly in his role as a manager (this is a modern take on the managerial competency report). He will consciously decide what resources he wanted to deploy and what talents to develop. We focus on the most important skills for a manager that will bring the greatest benefit.
Who is it for?
A program for experienced managers and professionals preparing for promotion to a managerial position. We teach the necessary competencies for your role by sharing our proprietary Management by Individualization method.
The ability to communicate and be effective is especially important for those in a managerial role who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for relationships with co-workers, clients and contractors. What we do at the Academy goes significantly beyond focusing on soft skills that are important to a manager.
- You will fully discover your resources of managerial competence and maximum effective individual management style (and team management style).
- You will begin to put into practice modern and effective managerial tools for building teams, managing teams and maintaining a high level of employee performance.
- You will learn to develop your strengths and work on blocking traits in an innovative way that is in line with your personality – you will reach out to development services and competence development in a unique and research-proven way.
- Awareness of your intrinsic motivations and deep talents will increase, resulting in an increase in your universal managerial competencies, and soft skills, which are extremely important for a manager, will also improve.
- The open nature of the program and the participants from different sectors of the labor market are an excellent source of best practice and creative solutions that you will use in your future business (not only in the field of management).
- You’ll receive our full support during the program and afterwards in regular consultations for the growing community of managers and business owners.
- You will use the knowledge you gain not only to improve the quality of your professional life, but also successfully enrich your private life – this will also be provided by the Manager’s Academy to participants.
- You know how to observe employees’ behavior, expressions, reactions to support them in achieving a common goal in the most effective way.
- You know how to tailor tasks to individuals to make them want to.
- You know how to trigger positivity and willingness in people.
- You know how to appreciate, correct actions, motivate people and benefit from regular meetings.
- You know how to effectively set and account for goal achievement using knowledge of employees’ internal needs.
- You gain specific management tools to diagnose the situation in the company and in the team – the audit by the Want-May-Possibly (CMP) method, and to build the team and develop employees in harmony with themselves – the Reiss Motivation ProfileⓇ (RMP).
Why did we create the Manager's Academy?
We have noticed that today’s managers lack the tools to manage people and teams in a rapidly changing business environment, the entry of new and younger generations, remote working and high diversity. Because of this, many managers lack competence in the area of effective management of people, projects, sales, or the entire company, which results in a decrease in motivation to manage, as well as high staff turnover, conflicts, lack of commitment.
For this reason, something more than universal measures from the area of managerial training or sales manager academies were needed. We had to create something that did not exist in the existing base of development services.
That’s why we created the Academy of Managers, where managers can complete and develop management competencies and we teach how to use them in practice to be as practical as possible and help them in their daily work, have a real impact on efficiency and effectiveness. Modern tools for working in changing conditions.
The Manager’s Academy is a new approach to development services and a unique understanding of the labor market. This knowledge goes far beyond standard management training covering team management style, resource management, or what a sales manager or business manager academy can teach.
How is the workshop going?
- Motivational profiling for all participants within the MBI (Management by Individualization) Manager Academy
- Workshops (6 online modules, 3 hours each)
- Consultation between modules
- Practical exercises and tasks to be done between modules
- Certification at the end of the MBI Managerial Academy program.
- After the program, consultations within the management community
In addition: 3 modes of MBI Managerial Academy program: regular, weekend, holiday
Content of the workshop
- You will learn an innovative approach – Management by Individualization.
- You will learn how to manage in harmony with yourself and develop your strengths and managerial competencies.
- You will learn how to quickly diagnose the situation in the company according to the Want – Can – Can (CMP) model.
- You will learn how to build a motivating and engaging work environment based on employees’ internal needs.
- You will learn how to communicate effectively with employees.
- How to show appreciation in accordance with the individual needs of employees.
- How to give feedback.
- How to have developmental and corrective conversations about undesirable actions.
- How to individually set goals (not just annual goals) for the employee, team members and team.
- How to have cyclical conversations with your team so that everyone sees the benefit to themselves.
- How to build a motivated team that has the potential to achieve company goals.
- How to deal with the challenges faced by today’s managers.
You receive recommendations from us for individual development, which allows you to choose the optimal form for him to continue development services when he needs it.
The program formula includes certification. This is the stage of the academy project that allows the manager to see how ready he or she is to use the knowledge in the area of managerial competence from the program in practice, that is, without our further support.
Deadlines in 2024
1. edycja
04.03 - moduł 1 i 2
18.03 - moduł 3 i 4
01.04 - moduł 5 i 6
15.04 - egzamin
2. edycja
06.05 - moduł 1 i 2
20.05 - moduł 3 i 4
03.06 - moduł 5 i 6
17.06 - egzamin
3. edycja
07.10 - moduł 1 i 2
21.10 - moduł 3 i 4
04.11 - moduł 5 i 6
18.11 - egzamin
1 i 2 moduł
3 i 4 moduł
5 i 6 moduł
1 i 2 moduł
3 i 4 moduł
5 i 6 moduł
The problems we solve
The program can be continued at several different levels, aiming at even better development of competencies specific to the managerial position and translating into effective management (e.g. individual managerial sessions, sales development for the sales manager, dedicated managerial training), and join the community of managers and business owners for whom we provide periodic consultations.