Who is the Reiss motivation profile for?

The Reiss motivation profile is for anyone who wants to get to know themselves and their motivation better. You fill in an online psychometric RMP test and learn about your natural predispositions and how to make the right decisions. Additionally, you learn how to implement your plans and achieve your goals. You learn about your intrinsic motivation and life motivators, which helps you communicate better and solve conflicts more effectively.

At what age can you take the Reiss Motivation Profile®?

The Reiss Motivation Profile® is for anyone above 12 years of age. In the case of children, young people and students (12-25 years of age), the RSMP (Reiss School Motivation Profile®) version is recommended, which includes very useful tips and information about the choice of educational or career path.

What does it mean that the Reiss motivation profile test is reliable and valid?

Each psychometric test (such as the Reiss Motivation Profile®) needs to meet the so-called criteria for good measurements: objectivity, standardisation, reliability, validity and normalisation. The RMP meets all these criteria and is deemed as a very well-prepared test and in comparison with other tests, its values very high. A summary of reliability and relevance results for all 16 scales can be found at this link (link ).

What does it mean that life motivators are relatively stable over time?

Strong motivations are visible already in childhood. Aggressive children most often make aggressive adults. The class captain is usually the person with a high need for influence. This person will usually end up in the management of a company. Professor Reiss says that life motivators can slightly change over time. Around 40 years of age, many people change their priorities. When people are young, biological needs are the most intense (e.g. Eating, Physical Activity, Vengeance), but over time their importance changes to the benefit of psychological needs (e.g. Family, Idealism, Honour). With age, motivators such as Status or Power lose importance, and Tranquillity becomes more important. However, how age determines life motivators depends on an individual. There are people who remain professionally active and but make risky decisions when they are old.

What are the differences between the RMP and RMP for the young people and for couples?

The Reiss Motivation Profile® is a test for working adults, the Reiss School Motivation Profile® is dedicated for young people and adults who still study. The differences can be found in the reports describing motivators and in the way the profile is discussed by the RMP Master. The RSMP report includes strengths and natural behaviours, but also focuses on professional profiling and counselling. The Reiss Motivation Profile® for couples is an option for two individual motivation profiles on an additional, joint chart, and a joint discussion of the profiles in the context for a relationship.

Does the test study motivation in private or professional life?

You cannot make a distinction between motivation in professional and private life, these areas overlap and are equally important for the balance to be kept. If you have a very high or few low value of a motivator, you will usually try to satisfy it in both fields, so you exhibit behaviours typical for a given motivator both at home and at work.

By contrast, people with a neutral value of a given motivator (marked in orange) can exhibit various behaviours in both fields. For example, in private life, behaviours typical for a high value of the motivator and in professional life, for a low value.

Should the Reiss motivation profile be done every few years?

It is sufficient to do the psychometric RMP test only once, because it remains relatively stable over time. The profile can change only to a limited degree. Changes can be caused by, for example, a strong experience.

What happens with data on the reissprofile.pl platform?

The reissprofile.pl platform meets all GDPR standards. The data is only used to provide access to the Reiss Motivation Profile® form. You can find more information in the Regulations, point 5: Privacy, Personal data.

How is the RMP motivation profile generated?

When the Reiss Motivation Profile® is filled in and the answers are confirmed, the system generates the result automatically, in the form of a chart and report. Data is analysed using the algorithm developed by Professor Steven Reiss. The RMP chart and report can be downloaded from the system by the RMP Master, who then makes it available to the participant.

Is the RMP profile discussed face-to-face or remotely?

The profile can be discussed with an RMP Master either face-to-face or remotely, e.g. Skype, Teams, Zoom or by phone.